Proper 21| 1 Tim 2:8-15, 3:1,8-13 | Psalm 146| Luke 16:19-31 “Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, O my soul! *I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.” FSHS Last week six of our members went through the sacramental rite of Confirmation. Confirmation accomplishes several things in our spiritual lives, but most basically, it is the “ordination service” of the ordinary Christian. Just like in the ordination of a deacon, priest of a bishop; in Confirmation “everyday” Christians make an adult profession of their faith and commitment to Jesus Christ and receive the blessings and laying on of hands of the church through the Bishop to carry out the ministry of Christ to the world. The idea here is that we as Christians don’t just let the pastors do all the ministry. We have a priesthood of all believers, because like the priests of the Old Testament each Christian is called to go between God and the world in prayer and ministry- thus brining the concerns of the world to God and the love of God to the world. Confirmation is a special moment in which the church reminds individuals of that calling and asks the Holy Spirit to equip them for that ministry. Specific ordained Christian ministries such as being a deacon, priest/ pastor or Bishop all come out of the foundation of our ordination into the priesthood of all believers in Confirmation.
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